Fire from the Midst by Ashwood Sarah

Fire from the Midst by Ashwood Sarah

Author:Ashwood, Sarah
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2021-01-02T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Nineteen

Carter had changed apartments since last November, when I’d been attacked by the water shifter, the Nakki, while showering at his home. It was another nice place, though. A gated community with high walls, a guard shack, and a code required to get in. He parked under a covered canopy and shut off the engine. We exited the car and he met me at the back, sliding an arm around my shoulders as we headed for the stairs. I couldn’t help contrasting this visit to the first time I’d come to his apartment—against my will, on that occasion. When I’d been terrified of the new world that had newly opened up around me, a world of shapeshifters and blood and death. When I’d been every bit as frightened of him as the other shifters. Now, I felt a sense of security as he ushered me up the stairs, unlocked the door, and led me inside.

“Home sweet home,” he announced, switching on the lights. I glanced around.

This bachelor pad was almost as barren as the first one had been. Nothing remarkable. Nothing very homey. Still neat and organized, though. No garbage or dirty laundry or spoiled food flung around.

“Mi casa es su casa?” I joked lamely.

“Well, it could be if you decide not to sign those papers and move in with me instead.”

I blinked, taken aback, unable to tell if he was being sarcastic or cracking a joke. Before I could decide, he went on, “Sit down. You want anything? Or are you going to bite my head off again if I offer you wine?” he teased, referencing my affronted reaction last November.

“If I recall correctly,” I responded, sinking down onto the couch, “you’re the one who actually made a joke about biting my head off.”

“Close. I said you didn’t have to look at me like I was about to cut your head off and keep it in the freezer, because that’s exactly how you were looking at me.”

“I was scared!” I protested.

Carter chuckled, sinking down next to me. “I know. It was a rough night. I haven’t forgotten.”

I hadn’t forgotten either. Neither had I forgotten my angry words to him in the hospital, or my resolve to divorce him. However, I also couldn’t forget what he’d just done for me, and after I’d met him there to sign divorce papers! How was I supposed to reconcile all this?

I wasn’t in the frame of mind to fight or to be angry. Mostly I felt weary, nervous. When Carter settled in beside me, I sought what comfort I could by leaning my head against his shoulder with a sigh.

“Do you suppose our story’s on the news yet?”

“It’s probably all over. I’ve had my phone silenced, but I need to check it.”

“I hate to think of the calls you’re getting.”

“So do I,” he answered grimly, picking up the TV remote off the side table and switching the flat screen suspended on the opposite wall to life.

He flicked through a couple of channels before finding a major Fort Worth news station.


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